My Mac is slow – Free clinic
Is Your Mac slow because of a failing hard drive.
There are a number of reasons why your Mac, iMac or Macbook may become slow, these include:
Bad Cache
Fragmented full Hard Drive
Lack of Ram
Failing Hard Drive
Adware (not virus)
Anti virus application like Mackeeper
We offer a FREE 5 minute onsite assessment, no obligation, restricted to 5km to surrounding areas from Chadstone Chadstone.
The most common thing that happens when a user finds their Mac, iMac, MacPro, Macbook, Air or Mac Mini is slow is they Google “Slow Mac” only to find a link to download MacKeeper APP as they pay for high ranking on Google.
The irony of this is that if your drive is failing, the antivirus part of this application will kill your drive sooner. It is also the number one question at Apple stores “Have you installed Mackeeper”
So take our advise and put the Mackeeper App in the trash and delete now.
There are security applications that can be put on your machine to better protect you.
A typical half hour session with our Einstein (more experienced than a Genius) will equip you
with all the tools and training you need to look after your Mac for many years to come.
We have satisfied and trained hundreds of customers since 1997 and saved them from a Slow Mac, stopping them from reaching their top potential.
Back to base repairs
Our overnight repair service will save you lots of money because transfer of data can take some time.
Onsite Server Metropolitan Melbourne
For Business Owners we can come out to you and sort out all those little issues that have delayed or anoyed you. We can take care of printers, networking, backup, internet, email and all things Mac.