Our Mac Customers
Everyday Mac Users
- Computer users fed up of Windows viruses
- First time users looking for an easier option
- Music lovers that want something cool to go with their iPod
- Business users wanting the best of Mac and even some PC
- Busy people wanting to spend less time fixing their computer
- Gadget obsessed users wanting the ultimate home entertainment
UDS empowers you beyond what the Mac OSX already does.

- Commercial
- Weddings & Portrait
- Stock Photography
- Hobbyist
Design, Print and Web Users
- Printers
- Graphic Designers
- Web Developers
- Advertising Agencies
- Freelancers
- Retouchers
- Computer Generated
- Architects
- Tee Shirts
- Retinal Fundus Imaging
- Electronic Cabling
- Filemaker Pro & 4D Databases installations
- Servers and Security
Pro Audio
- Visiting and Melbourne based DJs
- Audio Engineers, Producers and Musicians
- Setups for all Major Audio Applications
- Alliance With technicsmelbourne.com to fix turntables
University Labs
- Classrooms of 30+ iMacs including Server
- LDAP student login and security lockdowns
- Lab software deployment for Mac’s & PC’s (Bootcamp)
- Print management software
- OS X Default DOCK and setup templates for users
CALL US MON – FRI 9.30 am – 5.30 pm
(+613) 9569 6426